Caught in the Upside Down World

Saravjot Hansrao posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-24 on 2020-11-26

“Oh! My dear, it seems like yesterday when we decided to make this place our home.” “Yes! Sweetheart.” “I hadn’t the faintest idea back then that it isn’t just us whose world is upside down.” A laughter riot follows! “Ruins, in the vicinity of civilisation, aren’t a very lucrative deal to sit back and relax, honey. We haven’t been able to let go of caution ever since.” “Yeah!  Right. But then the world seems to be going through a total upside down phenomenon.” “Do you remember, the young couple in love, fleeing their home?” “Yes, I do.” “How tragic! Their world supposedly turned upside down when they declared their love to the world.” “Fleeing home to escape death. And I always thought love was a gentle emotion.” “Hmmmm. I know!” “Then, the other day, there was the group of young girls hiding from traffickers. A painful sight to see them crying, complaining to God how their world had turned upside down.” “I remember, for they were a group of naive, delicate girls. Let down by poverty, abused by the powerful and pushed into darkness.” “Ah! What an upside down world indeed! Unhappy and discontented souls around.” They snuggle in, feeling blessed that despite their upside down life, they have each other through all thick and thin. The following morning, they are awakened by an unusual commotion. The wailing of the ambulance, multitude of policemen, flashing cameras and yet an appalling sense of gloom. “It doesn’t seem like a celebratory congregation.” “Yes, you are right. I sense bad news.” “Why are their faces covered eyes downwards? It’s difficult to read expressions!” Being well camouflaged gives them the leverage of being privy to many secrets. Adding to this advantage is the wilderness of the ruins. “Oh! How I wish they finish up and reveal whatever it is before the sun rises high enough to disrupt our vision!” “Yeah! Can’t expect too much empathy from them though!” Soon enough, the squad of policemen step back, crushing the dry grass and leaves under their heavy boots, moving cautiously as if dodging an unknown enemy, to reveal.......the two lovers hanging upside down from the gigantic banyan tree. Having shared their anxiety and fears, we are dumbfounded too.  “Oh God! The two of them looked inseparable. Despite death looming large, they exuded courage and infinite love for each other even in hiding.” “Is this what the Human word looks like darling?” “I’m shaken, yet thankful that I’m not born a Human. “Precisely Honey!” “As bats we spend our lifetime looking at the world with an upside down view, but it isn’t a handicap. Infact it gives us strength to retrace our flight, much stronger.” “Humans have the perfect world but they make sure it turns upside down not only for themselves but for everything around.” Huddling together, we wait for darkness, determined to make a long flight into the heart of the forest, miles away from the Human-Upside Down World.   


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