Caveman's Secret Sauce

Lakshmi Ajoy posted under Book Review on 2023-02-08

This book unravels the mysteries of the age old practices that are known, yet forgotten in modern times owing to lifestyle changes.  The very fact that truth is fictionalised makes it a splendid read. The essence of the book speaks about the journey of the individual within to rediscover the Self.  A journey of exploration and drawing references from life experiences in a place untouched by mankind makes it realistic. The first chapter talks about chasing butterflies which is a metaphor indicating how man is constantly on the search for the best materialistic possession to satiate his needs, yet never content with whatever he gets. This chapter helps to take a sneak peek into contentment and observation. The second chapter is about capturing the self in a cage and identifying oneself with whatever titles the world presents or the qualifications that one feathers on one's cap. There is a limited understanding of the self here due to which man tends to capture himself in a cage of thoughts/ desires/illusions failing to look beyond or break barriers.  Wind in my sails helps to understand and become aware of the consciousness that exists and unravel the mysteries that surround its understanding. It is dawning upon a realisation that everything is a part of the self and self is part of everything.  Forgotten secrets unveil the mysteries of age old practices and customs that are practised even to this day. It talks about drawing a connection between the facts surrounding the practice and the significance of the same rather than following it blindfolded. It sets a clearer understanding of knowing the significance and the science behind the customs. Jewels in a cave talks about discovering the roots of emotions and becoming increasingly aware of the innumerable thoughts that surround the mind. It's the ability to discover that the self and the emotions can be balanced to get rid of what is not needed within.  The end is the beginning- this chapter was the most beautiful chapter for me because it spoke about love and letting go; about the cycle of life, death and beyond. I had tears reading this chapter not because it made me sad, but because it made me become more aware of the self and accept all of life as the truth.  Perpetual seekers this chapter speaks about how it is essential for one to constantly seek the truth and not rest until the end. It is only when one remains in the quest for the truth that one can progress and attain upliftment.  The genius within is the conclusive chapter that helps to finally unravel the mystery of the self and discover the acceptance and mission that guides and directs us.  The entire book is a treasure of sheer wisdom from life experiences that is a must read for everyone who seeks answers to the myriad questions hovering upon the physical form.  Kudos to the deep insight towards unveiling the long lost secrets that seems to have gone missing (despite its presence) from life ~*~ Grab your copy here: