Celebrating The New Year

Aditi Lahiry posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-40 on 2022-04-15

RJ Anupriya, wore a new yellow dhakai saree , adjusted her long thick braid.  She sought the blessings of her Ma and Baba ,as it was the Poila Boisakh.  " Toke aajkeo office jete hobe?" ( Do you have to attend office ,even today) , it being our new year day ," Her mother exclaimed. " Ma I need to attend office today too, specially for a few hours as all the listeners will be eagerly waiting for my Special Radio Show.Let me leave for the office now. I promise you , I will be reaching home before you serve lunch." Anupriya De assured her mother before leaving home.  " But Anupriya is not at home . She is not even attending my phone calls . She told me that she is going out for a special show . She will reach home only after three hours. " Priyoshma De , Anupriya's mother explained Riya , Anupriya's best friend called Priyoshma ,after trying Anupriya's mobile number enough times. She was worried for her friend ,as she was well aware that the special show organised by Anupriya was already cancelled. But she did not disclose it to Kakima ( Aunt) as she would be equally worried. Three hours Later  Anupriya stepped out of the car and rang the doorbell . Her mother opened the door . For a few minutes her mother went speechless . Her father looked at Anupriya and felt equally puzzle. " What have you done to yourself Anu ! Where is your long braid? Where is all your hair ? " This was all her father could say with words choking up. While her mother screamed at her  " Why die you lie Anu ? Was this really necessary ! You look awful sans your beautiful , silky tresses which almost touched your knees!" Amidst all this chaos , it was her cousin Swapan who offered her a glass of water before waiting for her to reply.  " Ma and Baba , it was my long cherished dream to do something for those children affected with cancer. Ever since our team had organised a special show for them , I noticed how shattered , detested and despaired they looked after each of their chemo therapy sessions. I had thus promised myself to donate at least twelve inches of my healthy hair . This could be utilised to beautify a child after being made into a wig. I decided to do it today as it is an auspicious day,to begin something new. I told a lie to bring a smile in one child's face. My hair will grow again but I feel happy that it has been used to bring a change in a child's life. Don't you feel I did the right thing? " Anupriya's words changed the tense ambience of the room. Both Mr and Mrs De beamed with pride as they praised Anupriya for her thoughtful act . Thus Anupriya's action proved that those lies which are told for a good motive are always welcome. "You are not a liar , my dear child!" Priyoshma finally exclaimed and hugged her daughter. Note : Poila Boishakh _ Bengali New Year           Kakima _ Aunty in Bengali   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!