Chasing Dreams: Where Dreams Sprout Wings

Sheela Iyer posted under Bucket List Short Stories on 2024-01-30

Karan lay on his soft bed, hands clasped behind his neck, gazing at the ceiling. Thoughts fluttered in his head, mirroring the intricate brown design on the butterfly-shaped false ceiling.  “What is bothering you, my love?” Sumita asked. “Tomorrow is my last day in the office, and…” Karan's words lingered, suspended in the air, creating a sense of uncertainty. “It’s okay, Karan. Did you decide to quit your job overnight? No. Right? You began working at a young age due to unavoidable circumstances and dedicated forty years to your career in finance. But if your current organization wants you to switch to sales, it may not be worth it. Moreover, you said you would invest time in the stock market. Concentrate on it," Sumita suggested. Karan remained silent for a moment before finally nodding in agreement. “By the way, I had asked you to make a bucket list. Did you?” Sumita checked. “No. Neither do I have any dreams, nor do I believe in making such lists. They are useless. I don’t think it works.” Karan retorted.  "Karan, this is not acceptable. Everyone has dreams, but we often forget to chase them while running in the rat race. Even if it is just one today, the list may grow gradually. Trust me. I understand we evolve, and so do our interests. Maintaining a bucket list reminds you of your dreams and helps you stay focused. Come on, get a book and pen,” Sumita insisted on creating a bucket list despite Karan's initial reluctance.   “Sumita, not now. I am in no mood to do any such thing.” Karan retorted again as he turned off the lights. Sighing, Sumita also drifted off to sleep. *** The next morning, after Karan left for work, Sumita sat on the couch with her cup of steaming coffee, her mind filled with a mix of emotions and thoughts about the changes that lay ahead. She decided to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Karan.  At around 6 p.m., Karan returned home. He didn't appear particularly happy, yet there wasn't an overwhelming sense of sadness either. Sumita felt she should leave Karan alone and refrain from initiating any conversation. The next day, during breakfast, Sumita encouraged Karan to express his feelings, fears, and aspirations.   "You couldn't pursue your dream back then, and neither could I. Perhaps God has granted you this opportunity to pursue your passion. Why not embrace this gift from God? How about we both jot down our bucket lists and support each other in checking off those items? It's never too late to start. Let us embark on this new chapter together. What do you say?" proposed Sumita with a hopeful smile. “Okay! If you insist. Your proposal sounds good, wifey.” Karan said and smiled. Sumita felt a sense of contentment as she observed Karan's smile as if witnessing him shed all his stress in an instant. Karan and Sumita spent an afternoon together, penning their respective bucket lists. "Oh, I had no idea you had a passion for writing and dreams of publishing a book," Sumita peeped into Karan’s list and admitted.  "I guess I haven't talked about it much. It is just something I have always had in the back of my mind, you know? Creating a world with words and sharing it with others has always intrigued me." Karan revealed. Sumita smiled, "That's incredible, dear. See, I told you, each of us has dreams hidden within us. What kind of book do you want to write? Fiction, non-fiction, a novel or a collection of short stories or poetry?" Karan’s eyes sparkled with excitement. "I think I lean towards fiction. I love interacting with characters, taking them down unknown paths, making them cry, and brightening their moments with laughter. I wish to take my readers on a journey through my imagination. As for a Novel, I haven’t thought of it yet.”  Sumita nodded appreciatively. "Sounds fascinating. Have you started working on anything, or is it still in the planning stage?" "I have written a few snippets here and there, ideas that pop into my head on and off. Bu…but those are just some random thoughts. Most of the stories are left incomplete. It is like there is always something holding me back. Maybe fear or low self-esteem." Karan stammered, expressing a hint of self-doubt. Sumita rose from her seat, wrapped her arms around Karan’s neck and said, "Well, the first step is the hardest. If it is your dream, don't let anything hold you back. I believe you have a fantastic story within you, and you will surely complete all your incomplete stories, but once self-doubt seeps in, it takes a long time to overcome. Let us begin working on it. If the need arises, I will help you. Once done, we can seek my friend Aditya's help for editing. He is working as an editor in a publishing house." A warm smile spread across Karan's face as he absorbed Sumita's support. “Thank you, Sumita. Your encouragement means a lot. Maybe it is time I stop dreaming and start turning those ideas into something real." Karan felt a wave of inspiration within him. With renewed determination, he embarked on bringing his literary dreams to life. "Let me see your bucket list, Sumita," Karan exclaimed eagerly. Sumita handed over the list. Karan's eyebrows raised in surprise as he read through the items: car racing, bike riding, and singing.  "Wow, Sumita! So many dreams you have. I knew about your love for bikes but did not know you loved skydiving. I have heard you humming, though I never thought it was your dream. How did I never know all these years? I'm so sorry, dear," Karan said with a tinge of sadness on his face. "No problem, Karan. My long-pending dream of skydiving is finally on the list. I am eagerly looking forward to this experience, and yes, I am also looking forward to riding the bike someday,” Sumita expressed. “Let us start with bike riding first. What say? Go for it, even if it is only a short distance. Is it ok if I sit behind you unless you want someone else?” Karan asked, playfully hitting Sumita on her shoulder. “My confidence in riding a bike has diminished and has been replaced by fear,” Sumita confessed. “Just begin, and everything will fall into its place. Do you recall the passion you once had for motorcycles and the freedom you experienced riding?” Karan said with a warm smile. "Do you truly believe this is possible? I haven't ridden a bike in ages, and besides, I don't even have one anymore." Sumita said. "Yes. I am sure. We can rent a bike. So, this coming weekend, no other plans except a trip on a bike – just you and me," Karan replied, excitement in his voice. Karan's playful spirit rejuvenates their relationship, bringing back all the memories like a flowing stream.  They finally embarked on a new journey to fulfil their dreams.  “Morning is usually a good time to write. You can do that, and after lunch, when the traffic is less, I will practice riding my bike. You can join me if you want. “I need to practice before I go on a long trip,” Sumita suggested. “It seems fine with me, too. Simultaneously, you enroll in a music class to fulfil your singing dreams.” Karan recommended and chanted Jai Shree Ram. Sumita agreed. Days turned into months, and as time passed, things began to take shape, giving wings to their dreams. Two months later Sumita was all ready for her 25km bike ride. She decided to go solo, and Karan supported her wholeheartedly. Joining a group of regular riders, she embarked on the adventure. While Karan was happy for her, skepticism lingered in his thoughts. Despite trusting her abilities, a subtle fear also surfaced. However, he brushed off all cynical thoughts and wished her luck with a wide smile. Sumita completed her ride in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Proudly flaunting her certificate and medal, she rang the doorbell. Karan, who was anxiously waiting for her, quickly opened the door. Tears of joy started flowing from his eyes at her achievement. Even before Sumita could reach out for her bucket list, Karan picked it up and crossed it.  “Yahoo! One dream crossed.” Both said in unison and hugged each other. "How's your singing going on?" Karan checked.   "Yeah, going well, sweetheart," Sumita exclaimed. “What about your stories, Karan?” “Yes, work in progress,” Karan said and smiled. Eight months later Karan jumped with joy like an eight-year-old and celebrated the completion of twenty-five stories. Sumita also expressed happiness. As planned, they approached Sumita’s friend Aditya, who worked as an editor in a reputed publishing house. Aditya offered insights and assisted Karan in the editing process. After finalizing the cover page, the book finally went for publishing. It was going to take at least 20 days for Karan to lay his hands on his debut book. Diwali was approaching, and they decided to launch the book during that festive time. Sumita crafted invitation cards and sent them to family and friends, inviting them to the book launch. The announcement came as a pleasant surprise to everyone, and soon, people began to pour in with their good wishes through calls and messages. With time in hand, Karan planned a short holiday in Pondicherry, famous for its excellent skydiving opportunities. He booked tickets and secured hotel accommodations for three nights. Just a day before their travel, he asked Sumita to pack her bags but kept the destination a secret, intending to surprise her. This was a much-needed break. Hence, Sumita did not ask any questions and swiftly packed her bags. Their flight to Chennai was at 8:00 a.m., and from there onwards, Karan had planned to take a cab. Pondicherry is a charming and unique destination on the southeastern coast of India. The serene beaches, such as Paradise Beach and Auroville Beach, are famous among tourists.  Sumita was on cloud nine.  After placing their bags in the hotel room, they headed to the dining hall for lunch. In the evening, they took a stroll in and around the hotel, exploring the surroundings and visiting nearby temples. The next day, Karan took Sumita for skydiving. The picturesque landscape of Pondicherry provided an ideal backdrop for this thrilling adventure and experience. Sumita's eyes filled with tears of joy. She couldn't believe she would soon tick off her second dream within twelve months. Although she felt ecstatic, she was equally nervous. “Come on, Sumita, this was your dream. Don’t think so much. Don’t you want to cross off your second dream from the bucket list?” Karan encouraged her. “Yes, I want to,” Sumita replied and geared up for the adventure. Clad in a vibrant yellow jumpsuit and tying her hair into a ponytail, Sumita made her way to the aircraft. Her heart pounded with a mixture of nervousness and excitement.  Upon reaching the designated altitude, the door of the aircraft swung open. A rush of wind swept through. The instructor guided Sumita to the edge. Within seconds, she plunged into the open sky. The first few seconds were an explosion of senses. The wind roared in her ears, the adrenaline rushed through her veins, and the bizarre feeling of falling free made the experience complete. The parachute opened, and the descent became a smooth glide. As Sumita gently touched down, her heart filled with exhilaration. Her smile echoed, and the experience left a lasting impression. One more dream was fulfilled and ticked off her bucket list. "Oh, God, did I just do that? Yeah, dreams do come true," Sumita muttered in disbelief. “Thank you, Karan, for this wonderful trip. This will remain etched in my mind forever.” Sumita expressed her heartfelt gratitude towards Karan. Hand in hand, they both made their way back to the hotel room. During dinner, Sumita said, "Karan, I can't wait to see you check off your dream from the bucket list. I am so excited for the book launch." “True. I am eager to hold the book with my name printed on it. I believe we should also consider putting it up on the Amazon platform," suggested Karan. “Yes, I concur,” Sumita affirmed. The third day in Pondicherry was spent exploring the beaches. Both thoroughly enjoyed this three-day trip. By noon on the fourth day, they returned home. After unpacking and attending to household chores, they settled on their couch to relax. Sumita’s phone chimed. She answered the call. It was her music teacher asking her to come for a practice session. Despite feeling tired, she quickly got ready and left while Karan picked up his book to resume reading from where he had left off. The next few days went by without much hustle and bustle for Sumita and Karan. Their minds were at peace. Whether sharing stories over coffee or taking strolls, they spent quality time together. It was only 09:00 p.m. Karan retired to bed early because he was sleepy. After winding up all her work, when Sumita entered her room, she found Karan fast asleep. Earlier, Aditya, the editor and Sumita's friend had called to share the news that the books were ready and would be delivered the next day. Though Sumita wanted to share this good news with Karan, she chose not to wake him up and turned out the lights. "Good morning, hubby. I have an exciting news for you. Aditya is delivering your books today by noon." Sumita exclaimed with a smile.  “What? Are you serious? Aditya said it would take at least twenty days. It’s only been 12 days!” Karan exclaimed, jumping out of bed with excitement clearly visible on his face. “Yes, dear,” Sumita confirmed. Karan's eyes were fixed on the ticking clock. Around 2:00 p.m., the doorbell rang. A tall, young boy stood before them, holding a rectangular carton box on the floor. He spoke, "Aditya sir has sent this." Karan swiftly brought the box inside and began to unbox it eagerly. As he held his debut book, Sumita captured the precious moment on her camera. She then opened a drawer, retrieved a list, handed it to Karan, and said, “Your dream has come true. Cross this off your bucket list, sweetheart.” “Yes, of course. This was possible only because you believed in me more than I believed in myself.” Karan expressed and crossed the item off the list.  He continued, “I cannot thank you enough for being my pillar of strength. This journey wouldn't have been the same without you by my side. Today, crossing this item from the list feels like a victory, not for me alone, but for us.” A tear escaped his eyes - tears of joy, tears of contentment. Two weeks later, on Dhanteras, Karan and Sumita proudly launched the book titled 'A Tapestry of Short Stories.' The cover page was attractive. As Karan and Sumita celebrated their endeavour, friends and family joined them.  Additionally, their friends and relatives showed their support by purchasing copies for themselves. Karan patiently signed each book, adding a personal touch to the memorable occasion. Gradually, through effective marketing, Karan reached audiences both online and offline. While he may not have secured the number one position on online platforms, the inner joy he gained from sharing his stories with readers mattered most to him. Each tick symbolized a task accomplished and a lesson learned, overcoming obstacles. The bucket list, a piece of paper, soon transformed into a roadmap because Karan and Sumita ventured beyond their comfort zone.  One evening, after a tiring day, Sumita and Karan sat on the patio chair placed in their mini garden, sipping freshly brewed tea. Karan, breaking the tranquil atmosphere, asked Sumita, "How is your singing going on? Are you enjoying it?"  “Well, it’s going great. In fact, my first bhajan on Hanuman was well-received and appreciated by friends and on social media, even though it was only one stanza. So, should I cross it off from my bucket list?" Sumita asked with childlike enthusiasm.  Karan swiftly covered his mouth to suppress his grin. He cleared his throat and said, “Not now my darling. You have a long way to go. This is just the beginning.