Child Labourers

Sarita Khullar posted under PenMuse-36 Poetry on 2021-12-18

In a dingy room I stay, With tell tale signs of decay  A dozen  of starving children  Live  here in conditions rotten A vague memory of childhood home, Wistful hues of the deepening gloam, A drunkard father who would beat the mom, Sold me to a person who greased his palm, Bid farewell to my siblings and mom in tears, With my tiny heart filled with ominous fears. Our tiny fingers knit rugs  Living in filth amongst bugs  Bleeding fingers and teary eyes, Each little child desperate lies  Justice , humanity is enslaved, With signs of horror are souls engraved.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!