Cold Embrace

Kavitha Kandaswamy posted under PenMuse-14 Poetry on 2019-12-09

“It’s cold”, exclaimed she. The handsome man standing next to her Didn’t blink a moment and hugged her from behind. The embrace was strong to strangle her breadth But gentle enough to rock her to warmth Bracing from the heart to the heart, her head laid On his shoulders, their cheeks kissing each other In a soft speck, the radiant sun in all glory of golden red hue Spread on her face, and he closed his eyes and smelt her in He could feel her with the warmth that was spreading Along with her, in his veins and the body that felt cold Started to melt and mingle with fragrance of a beautiful Phenomenon of sun setting in the distant sky and lighting Up the sky with thousands of glittering stars to usher in The love and warmth that drove away the cold and held You tighter wrapped in a blanket of togetherness. The minute Before the sun went down, the river just glistened with  Golden hue and died to a darkened black river, bringing In silence and the glory of the night with warm winds From the breaths that collided to beat the cold away in all fury.  __ __