Contentment is King

Bindu Pillai posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-29 on 2021-04-17

The Lord of the jungle took his designated place. Perched high on a rock, he could survey his whole kingdom as well as his subjects. But where was his Minister, the cheeky monkey. He was always upto some mischief but the King loved him. He was the wisest and gave some of the best advice. There was some movement in the trees above and the King saw the whole lot of them goofing and monkeying around, chattering boisterously, breaking the silence of the jungle.They were carrying loads of fruits in their arms and were distributing them to everyone. The Lion roared his loudest and there was pin drop silence. His Minister came quietly down and took his place on the right side of his Lord. “ What news have you brought from the city, Minister?” The Minister took a step forward offering a dozen mangoes to his Lord and bowed down. “ My Lord, only good news. The whole city is on lockdown. Not a single Human on the streets. It looks like a ghost city. Many are fleeing. All imprisoned in their own homes.” “ That’s wonderful news. They have dug their own grave. What do you suggest we should do?” “ Reclaim our land. Enough they have encroached and destroyed our homes. How much have we suffered in their hands!” There was a flurry of activity. Everyone was up and  shouting slogans, “Reclaim Our Land. Reclaim Our Land. Men should be Punished. Reclaim Our Land”. The King smiled indulgently at the happy faces of his subjects. How many of his favourites he had  lost in the past few years!  He roared again. Everyone sat down. Some major decisions had to be taken. He looked around. Why was the owl looking so thoughtful? Why was he not rejoicing? The King summoned him. The oldest member of the jungle came forward bowing his head. “What is in your mind my dear wise friend? Speak out.” What is bothering you? You know I respect and will heed to whatever you say.” In a calm and soothing voice the owl replied, “ Look around our beautiful abode Lord. Will we get this lush green canopy, this cool shade and breeze, abundant fruits and roots, the gentle flowing brooks and streams in the Concrete Jungle, the city?” He looked around. Everyone was latching onto every word he spoke. He had got their attention. He continued, “ What land are we going to reclaim My Lord? A sky which is grey, polluted rivers, dry barren land  filled with garbage!” The King looked around once again. All the excitement had died down. It was replaced by anxiety and nervousness, a dread. Even his Minister looked morose and embarrassed with his earlier suggestion. The King announced, “ Let the concrete jungle be with the humans. They have brought misery onto themselves. Why should we make the same mistake? Let us be happy and content in our own  beautiful kingdom. “Long live the King! Peace and Contentment to our Kingdom.”


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