
Sudha Ramnath posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-35 on 2021-11-22

Beulah and Mark met each other at a Litfest where both competed for the 1st prize in reciting verses written by themselves. Beulah won by a slight whisker only because, according to Mark, the judge took a shine to her.  Even though they went on to become close, they loved reciting derogatory verses about each other. After about an year, Mark surprised her  with a rose in his hand and a verse on his lips. “My lady love, you amaze me with your sharpest wit, I do tend to exaggerate, I freely admit. But sure we can complement each other, my crony My banter balancing your drivel and baloney.” Without batting an eyelid, Beulah quipped, “I accept your proposal, reconciling to its torments.   I also endure in humility, all your unfair epithets, The same way an indulgent mother always forgets Her wayward kid’s unwarranted laments.” Beulah and Mark were soon married. Beulah found a job teaching english at a local college, and Mark started working in a bank. Their life was marked more by the richness of words rather than that of money. They would solve crosswords and acrostics while other couples went shopping and watched movies.  They continued leaving insulting, funny notes for each other on fridge doors, in lunch boxes,  between pages of books, and pinned on pillows. They did not have any kids. But it did not bother them. They were too happy in each other’s company. For their twenty-fifth anniversary, they had taken a much-coveted trip to Newyork.  Standing right under the Statue of Liberty, Mark narrated, Hey Green Lady, when I look at you with loving eyes, My darling wife is turning green with jealousy vibes Can she ever match your towering heights; I ask? To reach a height of 5 feet on her heels, is in itself a task! Beulah smiled and responded, “Remind him, my gigantic lady, who glows green at nights, True that I can never ever match your towering heights, But then, can you cook a meal or clean up the house Or join him in bed and be the complete spouse? *** Mark opened his lunch box. He found hiis favorite sandwiches in there, but no note. Soon he got a whatsapp voice message from Beulah as he was finishing. “Looks like age is finally catching up with you, Today is a special day, but you have no clue! I expect two gifts, one for the bday and one to compensate Two diamond rings to prove that you are no cheapskate. Mark had already bought her a diamond necklace set. He reached home with the gift and a special stinging rhyme on his lips. But he found Beulah lying dead in the kitchen. It looked like a sudden massive heart attack. *** Mark died the next year. *** He saw her sitting among the clouds. He was soon beside her, whispering into her ear, “You may ward me off, flee from me, or even die, But I will surely find you, high up here, in the sky. Two diamond rings, I cannot bring to this paradise But I can surely endeavor to  annoy you twice.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!