Courage: It's Within You

Bhatnagar posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-29 on 2021-04-23

Doey……Doey…..Wake up sweety. Its almost time for your college. Ma I am just not feeling well. Please can I atleast take a day off. Doey was aware that her pleas were falling on deaf ears. Deep brown eyes with long lashes, smooth chestnut flanks and strong graceful neck, Doey was a strikingly beautiful deer who was often envied by her counterparts and lusted by sadistic,wild and incestuous wolves who often block her way to college. Doey’s only companion was Anne, a plain and simple looking Antelope. Hey Anne,have a seat beta. Please make your friend understand how important it is for her to study. But Aunty, Actually Doey…… Is something wrong? Doey’s mother was now concerned. While Doey tried her best to stop Anne, she spilled the beans ignoring her. Aunty, since last one month, on our way to college, we had been chased by Gray, the wolf and his pack. They see Doey with their tongues drooling and lustrous eyes ready to grope her and grab her.   Doey’s mom was listening to this horrifying incident with eyes wide open. Anne continued Two days back, when it was raining heavily, me mand Doey decided to take the alley only to find the pack as if waiting for us. They pounced on Doey. Had Mr. Bear not come on time, God knows what could have happened! Doey was now looking at her mom teary eyed. Doey my Love. Why didn’t you tell me about this earlier? Tears were not stopping in mom’s eyes. I tried to Ma but couldn’t fathom courage. I won’t go to college again Ma. I will  stay at home forever. Doey my dear,I  know what had already happened can’t be undone. But what has to be done now is in your hands. Always remember to have courage to stand up against evil. But Ma I can’t. You have to love. Teach them a lesson that they never forget even if it means to fight for it.  Remember you always have my back. Now leave for college and be brave. With much apprehension, Doey and Anne left the house. Doey’s mom knew what needed to be done.  As expected, Doey and Anne encountered Gray with his pack.  My My! Look where’s the beauty queen going. I must say someone is looking really sensual today. Gray ogled and sniffed Doey as if ready to grope her. Keep your hands off me and better leave us alone. Doey was happy as well as surprised with new sense of confidence in her. She was now ready to fight the evil.  As Gray moved lecherously towards them, Doey and Anne pre-emptively attacked him. Gray wasn’t ready for the attack and with fiery eyes he and his pack were almost ready to pounce when they heard a noise and much to their disbelief saw entire jungle led by Doey’s mom approaching them. Like a coward the entire pack scuttled away only to be never seen again.  Moral: Always muster courage to stand up against evil [ratemypost]   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!