Craving to Turn a New Leaf

I am now writing out of rage This paper is a perfect stage Where I dress emotions in words Giving a peek view of my worlds My heart craves peaceful flow You have given me enough pain This relation I can't sustain I am left with much bitterness Because of your highhandedness My heart craves breathing space Thoughtless to own ruination I clamoured for your attention Unknown to unease I could feel With you always steering the wheel My heart craves to break free Our conversations were finite Your diktats were etched in granite My advice was simply abhorred All wishes were rudely ignored My heart craves to speak up I must learn to gather my wits My soul has taken many hits For long we've been at daggers drawn From this alliance, I've outgrown My heart craves genesis   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!