Crazy Greek Gods

Atharv Sharma posted under PenMuse-29 Poetry on 2021-04-18

He always gets angry and threatens to smite everyone, Zeus, (Gods don’t curse me for this) and he is as dumb as a moose, There goes apollo singing his haiku, Not caring when his hungry sacred cows go moo! Poseidon and Zeus fighting like kids, I am the best, you are the worst, I have the highest bids! Athena, one of the few with common sense, Though she is way, way, too intense, Artemis slaughtering anything that comes in her way, And killing a couple hundred monsters will make her day, Though in the underworld, usually Hades is bickering with everyone else, And sometimes he thinks that both the places are hells. Author’s note - I just wanted to say, these are not all of the gods, I just took some that I had interesting lines for because it was supposed to be a three stanza poem. It was difficult to decide which one because I had a great line for Demeter but that wouldn’t fit in.


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