
S Afrose posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-23 on 2020-10-23

After walking a lot, a junction is appeared in front of my sights.  Not a clear direction. How can I get my actual way? Confusion arises. I take a break. Mind needs some times for freshen itself. Brain also blands . I sit down under the tree. My eyes are closed.  Is it a dream? Someone appears in front of my eyes... Who is that one ??? “My first love, for whom, mind was eagerly waited for a long time. He sat by me and held my hands. The loving touch.....” Few years ago, it was the same place where - I met with you. My destiny tricked me but I couldn’t realize that you never loved me. That was a fascination. You only took me to pass your times. But I was really deep in love with you. You, belonged from a rich family, whereas , I was from a poor one. My family always was fighting to live. Every second was a death challenge for us. I had a huge liability to my family. I never thought of myself. But meeting with you, gave me a tiny hope to live gleefully.  I was pleased after getting you. But you back stabbed me and just went away from my sights. I couldn’t hold you.  When I need some time, I just come at that place, from where you entry in my life. I relish that moment, to take a momentary touch of love.... “The crossroad is still the same...” The only difference is you are in my abstract mind not in practical life.... What a mysterious turn of life Same place still so lively Your every words meaning a lot for me. I just forge my heart to forget but can’t. Mind is not ready to loss the last kiss it’s gained.  Is it terrible or not? Now I can't understand.  My life is going as usually, that's fine. But now consoling, how? Losing heart at first time Falling deep in love Getting betrayal Still chasing That memories How strange!!!! I just feel sth different, when I relish that moments. Life can’t stuck here. It should be moved on forward. But how ? My family members are totally dependent on me. I have huge responsibilities. I can’t ignore them as a selfish. I console my mind… “Don’t worry dear. It’s an accident. You now realize the meaning of life. It’s not easy that it seems to be. You should be very cautious from onward. Life is just a blink of eye. When and where it can loss all its essences you can’t imagine. So relax and chill! May be sth very good are waiting for you. Now, forge your heart and get up. Never let a chance to be haunted by that tragedy.” Remember--- Life is only one  Time is come and go You just need to take lesson from the past and decorate the present gleefully…


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