
Anne Adarsh posted under Guest Posts PenMuse-17 Poetry on 2020-03-23

The clickety-clack on her keyboard, And a barrage of words come rolling out, Expressions tumbling onto each other, Words interspersed with many a laugh out loud. She goes about her day in silence, Then a notification chimes in like music, Breaking the monotune of her monotony, A pop of colour in her grey acoustic. Her laughter travels the speed of light, At something someone outrageously said, An emoji to highlight her own pun, Bullying in the form of trolling ain't dead. Her day fills up with digital din, With every single bit, byte and nybble, A virtual alliance bites the dust, Erased in the cacophony of the quibble. She slams shut her laptop in ennui, Misses the warmth of a real voice, How oft can one rely on virtual bonding? How much in virtual reality rejoice?

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