Daisy’s Dilemma

Moumita Dutta posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-23 on 2020-10-28

Daisy was caught in a catch-22 situation. She loved Robin yet, somehow, she couldn’t convince her soul to give in to his wish. No, not now; not today. I refuse to sacrifice my life just to please a bunch of heartless humans.  Robin was her custodian. Well, not just her, for, he was the caretaker for all of Daisy's mates. A humble man who tirelessly toiled to raise and groom his children. Yes, that’s what they were to him. Each one of them received equal care and attention from him. For, he was entrusted by his master to do so.  --- "Robin, my future...no, our future, depends on the success of tomorrows event. One mistake and I have to let go of this estate. You will lose your job, and our lives will be in shambles." Mr Mason sounded anxious.  "Needn't you worry, Sir. I will not let you down," assured Robin. He was well aware of the grave situation his master was in.  "I know you are struggling to save this estate, and this event can be a gateway to lucrative financial gains. You can have my word, Sir. Everything will happen as planned." When he left, Robin rechecked the To-do list for the tenth time. Yes, I've got the Carnations for the dinner table, Hydrangea for the centerpieces, Orchids for the glass vases, Roses for the leis...hmm...hmm...hmm... done. Just the Daisies and I'll be all set for tomorrow.  --- Daisy and her mates were merrily dancing in the breeze when the vibration of the approaching footsteps seized their mirth.  Ah! It's our man, Robin. He's out on his usual rounds. Let's continue with our merriment.  All of a sudden, an awkward silence blanketed the ambience. Robin chopped the heads of two of Daisy's mates with his shiny secateurs. The passing breeze and the friendly invertebrates heard their cries. Infact, the entire universe felt the pain, except Robin. His face showed signs of discomfort, but his firm hands remained oblivious. Soon, almost all of Daisy's pals were gone. They laid motionless inside a basket. But Daisy decided to revolt. Despite several tries, the sharp secateurs failed to disband Daisy from her sturdy stalk. Robin blamed his tool. I know my beauty will wither one day. But till then, I want to remain attached to the same stalk; to the same ground that nourished me till date. This is my life. I can't let him destroy my dreams and snip me off from my right to live. And that too, for their own selfish reason. But then, I love Robin. He has been good to me since I blossomed. My denial will put his job and life in jeopardy.  A faint beam embraced her ivory petals. Daisy looked up and smiled, "Thank you for enlightening me. I understand my sacrifice is for a greater cause. And I shall be known as a martyr; for, I will die in the line of duty. Not among howling guns, but roars of laughter. 


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