Didi, 5 Minutes

Rupali Gore Lale posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-62 on 2024-04-23

“Good morning, Madam.” Shreya greeted Kaveri. Kaveri was ready to go to office. She hurriedly said “gm, Shreya. Drop Akhil to school before 10:00 am, else he will get a late mark. The menu for lunch and dinner is written on the white board. I have messaged you the grocery list. For breakfast, I have made idli and chutney, pack them in Akhil’s tiffin. You also eat well. I will call in the afternoon, bye. “ “don’t worry, Madam. I will do everything properly.” Shreya reassured Kaveri. Kaveri left for her job in town. She lived in Goregaon, a suburb of Mumbai. Her husband Rajeev worked in the IT sector for a company project in Bengaluru. Kaveri was a working mother who juggled a challenging brand management job and took care of Akhil, her son, without any family support. Her parents were no more and her in-laws stayed in Dehradun. Shreya was her strong support. She was the cook and the caregiver of Akhil. She also ran errands like buying groceries of Kaveri’s home.  Shreya was academically brilliant but she studied till grade X. She didn’t go to college, as her father lost his job. She started working immediately. “Wake up Aku, there is Childrens’ day celebration in your school.” remarked Shreya. “Yes didi, 5 minutes.” Akhil made a plea for extending his precious sleep.  Shreya kindly gave him an extension and kept his tiffin, water bottle and bag ready.  Soon, Akhil was ready.  Akhil and Shreya were walking towards the school. Akhil saw a popcorn seller and ran to buy one, “didi, I want popcorn.” Shreya rushed towards him and agreed to buy a packet. The school was abuzz with activity. School buses were arriving. Auto rickshaws were plying like panthers. There were non- stop chats of kids and parents. It was a normal, school day until a private, long- distance bus speedily roared on the road and its tyre burst. The speed was terrifyingly uncontrollable and the bus lost balance. It toppled on right side, colliding and damaging everything that blocked its way. Some rickshaws standing in the queue flattened. The bus trampled the popcorn cart before finally stopping the destruction.  Shreya lifted Akhil and rushed to cross the road before the bus could cause them any harm. Shreya was successful in saving Akhil, but she tripped and injured her hand. The security guard took charge of Akhil and handed him to the teacher. Shreya was also assisted by school authorities and given first aid.  Kaveri left her meetings and rushed to school. She hugged Akhil and met Shreya. She was in tears. She held Shreya’s hand and thanked her profusely.  Years flew, Akhil was now an entrepreneur.  Akhil replied to a call, “yes didi, 5 minutes.”  Akhil was driving to Nagaon, in Konkan to celebrate the 60th birthday of his sister and best friend, Shreya didi, who lived there with her husband and children.