Do Epic Shit

Kajal Kapur posted under Book Review on 2023-03-16

De Epic Shit is a collection of the author's thoughts that have previously been shared by him on his social media platforms such as YouTube and Instagram. Therefore, readers who follow the author on these platforms (like myself) may not find anything new in this book. The lack of a cohesive narrative is also a downside, as the thoughts appear to be randomly arranged throughout the book. It would've been quite a plus, had his marketing team advised him to frame it in a narrative. In comparison, Richard Bach's 'The Messiah's Handbook' is a book with a similar construct of one thought per page. However, the thoughts are beautifully threaded together, making it an enjoyable read whether read sequentially or opened at any page. Do Epic Shit is not classified under any specific genre or category, and its structure allows readers to start reading from any page. The author mentioned in the introduction that the book is not meant to reveal anything new, but instead serves as a reminder of how life happens to all of us. As a result, the book may contain thoughts that are borrowed from other popular self-help books and guides. Despite this, the book manages to push through some of the author's nuggets of wisdom and his personal reflections on life, including lessons he learned from his own experiences and mistakes. This aspect may be particularly appealing to young readers who are just starting out on their own journeys. The primary audience for the book appears to be Gen Z, whose main source of wisdom is social media, anyway. Some of the lines that worked are-
  • You don't find your passion. You grow your passion.
  • If you do not believe in yourself, no one else will.
  • The trick to waking up early is not waking up early, it is sleeping on time! We don't want to run a marathon, we want to be fit! Don't set targets, set habits!
  • Time goes away and leaves us with only one these two things: regret or results.
Overall, the book may not provide a wholesome reading experience for a reader, but could still be useful as a memo book to refer back to its nuggets of wisdom. ~*~ Grab your copy here: