Dobby's Love

Forum Ganatra posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-32 on 2021-07-14

“Who are you? What have you done to my grandson” Rohini hugged Aman as he squealed and struggled to break himself free. Aman stayed with his mom and grandmother. He was a sweet little eight-year-old, smart and well-behaved. However, he always kept to himself. He hardly had any friends, didn’t go out and play with the other kids, and rarely spoke. No therapy or talks helped him open up. A few days back “Baby, look what I got” Rohini held a small puppy. Brown and white, It looked like a little fur ball that easily fit in Rohini’s palm. Its tiny beady eyes were looking all around while Aman’s were fixated on it. “Meet Dobby. He wants to be friends” she put Dobby down.  As if on cue, Dobby ran straight to Aman wagging his tiny tail. He sniffed him and started licking him. Aman stood transfixed, not daring to take his eyes off Dobby. Soon, gathering courage, he backed away without uttering a single word and shut himself in his room. Even when they sat for dinner, Dobby tried a lot to play with Aman but he habitually ignored him.  “Give him time,” Rohini assured Suman. Initially, Aman continued behaving as if  Dobby didn't exist for him. Dobby on the other hand, always followed him around whenever he wasn’t in his room. One day Aman came home crying and rushed to his room. He was often bullied at school. Suman started after him but Rohini sent Dobby in instead. Seeing Aman cry, Dobby jumped onto him and started licking him. “Go away” Aman shrugged Dobby off. He, however, knew that his friend was upset and kept licking him till Aman finally gave up and held him. Dobby freed himself and cuddled up next to Aman. Aman was surprisingly feeling better and hesitantly patted him. Dobby rolled on his back and Aman gave him a belly rub. Dobby was so happy he got up and began licking Aman again. The whole house soon echoed with Aman’s laughter. Ever since his parent’s divorce, no one had heard him laugh. Aman soon came to the kitchen, had water, and left. Suman peeped out to see the two of them playing and smiled to herself.  In no time, Aman was back. “Mumma, Dobby must also be thirsty.” Suman watched with pride as Aman filled water in Dobby’s bowl and precariously took it to Dobby making sure it didn't spill. That night he fed him and even let him sleep on his bed. It didn’t take them long to become a team. They always played together, went on walks, ate together, and slept together. If at times the old sadness wanted to creep in, Dobby would make sure he would lick away all his sadness. Before long, he began opening up with others too. Present Day “Dadi you are maddy” Aman teased Rohini and made faces at her. “You seem different”, she thanked her stars. Little Dobby did what no one else could do.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!