Eau Calls

Dr. Guncha Gupta posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-19 on 2020-05-14

Rizzzz - Bzzzzz - Bzzzzz ... the grinding sound of a drill boring deep into concrete in the neighbouring house made her feel like her eardrums would pop out! Zoey, her daughter, out from the shower, plugged in the hairdryer, Whirrrr, Whirrrr, Shooon ... Whirrrr! The noises seemed incessant. Triiii...ing, Triiii...ng ... the telephone rang, “Hey Chelsea, I shall be late tonight. Please don’t wait up,” said Ralph. ‘What was wrong with them all? They were too busy to give each-other a thought. Love seemed lost.’ Irritated, Chelsea picked up her gear, deciding to go underwater diving, a hobby sure to lift up her spirits. Deep-sea and around was a world far from being silent. Squeak! Squeak! of stridulating fishes, grinding damselfish’s, ‘Grunt! Grrrrunnt!’, rushing Swoosh! Whoosh! of waves pulsing along the seashore, a flock of seagulls rhythmically calling, Yeeeow! Yeee ... Yeeee ... Yeeeow!, scuttling crabs in the sand, was all a real bliss. A stork nosedived, Plorrk!, spattering water all around. Chelsea took a deep breath and did a back roll into the sea. Blotch! ... Splash ...sh sh ...! Weightless, she relaxed, slowly adapting to the environment, blocking out the urban noises. She reached the coral reef community, her preferred jukebox, Crunnchh! Crrunnch! Scrrrape! Griiind! Crunnchh! ... silence ... Crunch! Crunch! ..., parrotfishes chewing on coral heads and fluorescing reefs, an anodyne to frayed nerves. She basked in the glory of Eau and its unique music. Hours passed. Chelsea gave one last look of longing around and began to surface. She would’ve missed it, but the sound was distinctive. Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!  ...burst pulse-like echolocation emanating from a whirlpool. A light bellied bull was circling around a birthing dolphin mother. A little tail peeped out of the mother’s underbelly. Rolling and pushing out, mother seemed amazingly calm during delivery. But the bull kept caressing her with his tail, rolling around her. The mother let out a single signature whistle! Phwwwwwhht! as if reassuring him. Chelsea floated sanguine in the rhythm of the sea. Her eyes transfixed. Reflecting the time of her delivery, with episodes of bleeding and constant anxiety attacks. She remembered Ralph being by her side always, tender and caring, standing like a pillar. At that moment, she felt a sudden weight lift off her chest. Baby dolphin’s body had by now started emerging and there was a pool of blood. The bull whistled and clicked, Fweeet, Tweeet, Tweeet, communicating reassurances, gently nudging the mother towards deeper waters, away from any lurking sharks. Back home, “Bang! Bang! I was five n’ he was six ...,” David Guetta’s voice. Zoey peeked in, giving her a quick peck before retiring to her room. Ralph wasn’t back, but everything seemed alright. Chelsea thought to herself - ‘Baggage of our expectations for appreciation and respect takes a toll on relationships. The rhythm of nature sets one free.’ She was sleeping when Ralph planted a kiss on her lips. She smiled and rolled over ... ———————- x ——————— Glossary: Signature whistle: Communication through sound is very important in the lives of dolphins who emit high pitched whistles. Some of these sounds are unique to each individual and are called ‘signature whistles’, much like our own voices.


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