Echoes of Conscience

Shakuntala Kanakagiri posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-24

"Mirror Mirror On The Wall  Am I The Fairest Of All".  Am I fat? Am I dark? Am I thin?  Contemplating whether to cry or grin  I looked at the mirror again  My reflection looked back at me and my refrain  Hello!! Enough of your narcissistic tendency Get on in life with full vigour and energy I saw my expression in the mirror again  Slowly turning a shade pale with shame Looking through the looking glass  I held my eyes piercing through my body mass  Lost in my own vanity  Losing all the traces of sanity Gloating over my own reflection Glossing around my own perceptions I looked at the mirror in askance  Why should I? In my typical parlance  My alterself  looked through the glass  Sneering at me, she said, come out of this crass  Have you ever held the hand of someone in need? Or even a word of solace to the aggrieved? It's time you made some noble decisions  And enrich your soul with more compassion Reach out to the unfortunate in word and deed Boosting the morale of many in need Even a trickle of love and doles of comfort  And some empathy by way of a warm support  A caressing look, a touching feel A pleasant nudge or a tap genteel Is all that can wipe a tear or two?  Bringing smile and happiness at least to a few  I kept gazing at the mirror on the wall That said, does it make any sense at all Believe me you will be a different being  When you see yourself next morning  I could see myself sincerely reflecting  Eyes opened and my mind scanning A semblance of a smile appeared on my face Looking one more time into the mirrors trace And said to myself heaving a sigh of relief Its time I need to wake up from my sleep


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