Echoes of Love: A Timeless Reunion

Achla Nagar posted under Short Stories Twelve on 2023-12-26

Love has neither any speech, nor any sound.  This is just a feeling which we can only feel.  Love is the most beautiful thing in our life.  This is an amazing, unseen magnetic force that two people can feel among themselves without even asking questions. Love is a natural feeling.  There are neither orders nor demands in love.  Love can never be taken away.  We can command the moon, stars, winds, and rain according to our whims, but to a certain extent.  We have limited responsibility to change the climate, there is a risk of disturbing the ecological balance.  We can invite love but cannot dictate how, where and when love is to be expressed.  Like the sun, love is not dependent on any conditions.  Love signals our desires and fears independently.  Love is a free bird, we cannot imprison it, it has no limits.  Love is neither a reward nor a punishment, love only speaks the language of justice.  And when something wrong happens to someone, love stands as a front.  It does not want any kind of interference.  We have seen many examples of love, it is the beauty which we can only feel but cannot see. It was 12 am…. Oh God!   What kind of sound is coming? A musical sound was heard piercing the silence of the night, and I got lost in my memories while listening.  Even today he remembers everything old very well. It is about those days when we got married and then we went on honeymoon, where Mansi used to play her favorite tune on the sea shore. We went to Mauritius on a 2 month trip, we both spent 1 day near the waves on the seashore.  We were having fun at that time when suddenly a wave came and took Mansi with it and within no time Mansi drowned in the lap of the sea. Everyone searched a lot but could not find any clue of Mansi. That day I really cried like anything. My mind was not ready to accept that Mansi is no longer in this world.  So I used to go and sit daily at the same place continuously for 2 months, hoping to find any clue but couldn't find anything,  so I got frustrated and returned back to my country. It was the biggest misfortune of my life.  It was 1 am…. Suddenly my sleep was broken by the  thunder of clouds. So I came out of the room and was shocked to see the atmosphere.  It seemed as if a storm was about to come. I came inside  and closed all the doors and windows of the house only then the outside noise reduced.  Then I kept getting lost again in the same dreams. It's been 20 years since this happened and I still have the same basket of memories.  Today again I heard the same tune, my mind became restless and I went out secretly.  It was 2 am… Coming out in the silence of the night, I saw that a light was visible outside the window of the room of our new neighbor who had come this morning. Slowly  -Slowly, I started moving towards that window, I don't know what attraction was pulling me towards it, I slowly tried to peep from outside that window without making any noise, then I was stunned, my legs started trembling with fear and I became drenched in sweat.  Oho!   A girl in a very beautiful pink dress was sitting and she was playing the guitar and playing the same tune which was my Mansi's favorite tune. I couldn't see her face. I stood silently behind the window and kept listening. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize when 2 hours had passed. The moment the tune stopped playing, I felt as if I had come out of a dream. Then I quietly walked towards my house.  It was 4 am when I was  coming back to my home, I was in so  much dilemma that I couldn't  understand why these things were happening to me. The thunder of clouds outside and the unknown sound of the storm were disturbing me inside.  The moment morning light came, my curiosity had increased so much that I could not sleep properly that night. It was 5 am… The moment dawn came, I started gazing towards the same window. The next day it was Sunday, I was at home.   Then I decided that today I will definitely go to her house.  when I will go and what I will say.  In this dilemma one hour passed thinking about all this. It was 6 am …. I couldn't resist myself, and early morning decided to go to that house. Then with great courage I went out and knocked at her house. The moment she opened the door, she straight away asked, “who are you and why did you come so early.” Continuously she started asking questions, but I was speechless and started thinking,  how can it be possible? I was astonished to see in front of me Mansi, who lost her life in an accident years ago.  When I said, " You? "Uncle, how do you know that girl replied ?"  When she called me uncle, I calmed down and told her, oh nothing, I was just asking, you are new in our apartment, so  I thought to know your whereabouts,  and asking where you came from and who  you are?  And who is there in your house?" Then she said, "My mother and I are here.  My mother is in a wheelchair and doesn't remember anything about her past, because she has lost her memory. My name is Reshmi. I got a job in this city just a week ago, and yesterday we shifted in this house." While talking to Rashmi, I saw my watch. It was 8 am… I did not realize when 2 hours had passed. And hearing this, I asked her, "Can I  see your mother?" She said, "Yes, come."  The moment I went inside, I saw a very lean and thin woman sitting on a wheelchair. Hey!  Is this Mansi I thought? How is it possible? Then I asked Reshmi, "Is your mother's name Mansi?" Reshmi asked, "Yes, but how do you know?”  Then I said, "Hey, that's a very long story, but can you tell me why her condition is like this? Then Reshmi told me that my mother had fallen into the sea but somehow she swam to the shore and people saw her.  Thought maybe she is still alive so took her to the nearby hospital. When she was taken to the hospital, the doctor examined her, and said that she is still alive, you will have to wait a bit”. She again started saying that as my grandfather told me, the people who brought her to the hospital had given mother's belongings to the hospital.  So the doctor found my grandfather's phone number in it and he contacted my grandfather and told him about my mother's condition.  So, after undergoing various treatments, she somehow recovered, but lost her memory.  She didn't recognize anyone.  I was not even born at that time, they handed over my mother to my  grandfather.  Then my grandfather returned to his country with my mother and after a few days I was born.  My appearance resembles that of my mother. When I grew up a little, one day I asked my grandfather where my father was. He said that when there was no trace of Mansi, he came to India. Then my father said to my grandfather that there was no trace of Mansi and my child also went away with her.  Now there is nothing left in my life, so I don't want to stay here because I will remember all her things  and he left his home and he went somewhere. And he never contacted us.  The moment I heard this, I sat down on the chair. My heart started beating fast.  Then quickly Reshmi brought a glass of water and she gave it to me very comfortably and asked, "Uncle, are you okay?" I said, "Dear, I am fine, my name is Rohit." Then Reshmi said, "Hey, my father's name is also Rohit."  This is what my grandfather used to tell me. “Yes, I am your unfortunate father, dear, because years ago such an incident happened, when we were sitting on the shore of a sea, there due to some accident Mansi fell into the sea, and was never found again.” Rohit replied.  After some pause again Rohit said that  It has been 20 years till now, I was in this dilemma that I don't know if I will find my Mansi anywhere or not, and where is she?  If I had come to know about everything earlier. Then you and my parents would not have had to face so many difficulties. It is only my fault. From such a young age you are taking care of your mother and also working.  In between the conversation Rohit asked Reshmi, “tell me one thing, if she lost her memory, why is she in a wheelchair? “Two months ago she met with an accident, so can't stand on her own.” Reshmi replied.    Then stopping her conversation midway, Rohit said, "How did you know this tune which you were playing on the guitar last night?”  So Reshmi said that my grandfather had told me that my mother loved playing the guitar, especially this tune. And he told me that if you will play this tune in front of your mother day and night then maybe she will remember everything, so I play this tune every night and day whenever I get time.  And then one day such a storm of time came into my life, in which my  both grandparents met with an accident and  left this world. All of a sudden all the responsibilities of my mother fell on me. Somehow, my  grandfather got me educated and then I started doing a job. Till today I live with the hope that someday my mother definitely would remember everything about her life.  Today Rohit's beard had grown due to which Reshmi could not even recognize her father's face, so Reshmi said, "How can I believe that you are my father?"  While talking to Rashmi, I did not realize when 2 hours had passed? It was 10 am….Then I said, wait, I will come right away.  I went to my home and brought an album in which there were photos of me with Mansi and my parents. Then Reshmi became very happy and said that yes, these are my grandparents and it's you my dear father. Today I have found my father too, now my mother will be completely fine.   She immediately went near her mother and whispered loudly in her ear, “Look, mother, who has come?”  But her mother could not understand anything and said, “Who has come?”  So she said, “See, my father has come.” Then Rohit went in front of Mansi and placed his hands on both her cheeks and said, "Hey Mansi, look, recognize me, I am your Rohit”.  Then all of a sudden, I don't know what happened  when I started reminding her of myself,  suddenly Mansi fainted. Both Reshmi  and myself got scared and immediately I called the hospital, an ambulance came from there and we reached the hospital. The doctor asked me, “What had happened to her”?, then I told him the whole story. The doctor said, okay, please wait outside, we will check.  After half an hour, when the doctor examined Mansi, he said,  “There is nothing to  worry about . It generally happens when you feel a shock. Now pray to God that she should regain her consciousness within  2 hours then her memory will come back.” Both Rohit and Reshmi kept praying to God outside, not even one hour had passed when suddenly Mansi regained her consciousness, then the doctor said that she has regained her consciousness, now you can meet her.  Rohit first you go in front of her. So I went in front of her and asked her, “Did you recognize me?” Mansi recognized him and said, "Hey Rohit, how long have you kept this beard?"    Then Rohit said that there is nothing like that.  Remember, you were the only one who always used to say  that you should grow a beard, you will look very handsome, did you like the beard?  Yes, “I loved it”. Mansi replied.  Then the doctor said to Reshmi, “Now you go inside.” When Reshmi went inside, Rohit said, "Look how much our daughter has grown, she looks exactly like you". Mansi said, "My daughter?  How is it possible? she is not even born yet." Then Rohit told Mansi everything about the incident of that day and till date. Mansi was completely stunned and fainted again.  Rohit immediately ran to the doctor.  He went nearer and said, “Look what has happened again to Mansi”, then the doctor said, “Don’t  get panicked. She will be fine now". Because generally it happens in this type of situation, so, there is no need to be worried.  Then within 20 to 25 minutes, Mansi again regained consciousness. Then Mansi called Reshmi near her and made love to her and said, Wow! “Today is such a great day, I have a daughter and Rohit too.”  Then the doctor said to me that now your wife is absolutely fine, you can take her home, then Rohit asked how both her legs would be cured? Then the doctor said that we had already seen this also during the treatment.  One of the nerves has become numb due to an accident. I will prescribe one ointment, she will be completely cured by massaging continuously for 2 months. It was 12 pm in the afternoon…. Then Mansi was discharged from the hospital. And we came back to our apartment. After making comfortable Mansi in my house, Rashmi and I together brought all the stuff from the rented house to my house.  Today we are very happy.  After a long time our entire family is in one place. When I said to Mansi, “Did you know that Reshmi is the one who plays your favorite tune on the guitar.” Hearing this Mansi became very happy. Then Reshmi played the same tune on the guitar. I said to Mansi, "Hey, “Those old days are back for us." I said to Mansi that today is our wedding anniversary. Then Mansi said that today is the birthday of our little princess Reshmi too. Hearing this, I said, “Wow, Today we will celebrate this wonderful day like anything”.  This is called love.  'Love Judgment' plain and simply  means that one should never judge love because good or bad, right or wrong, it all depends on the behavior of the other person.  At the same time, no one's circumstances should be changed or measured unnecessarily.  No one can measure the depth of love. “Love is the absence of judgment" Dalai Lama   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!