Embosomed in You

Seeta Iyer posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-18

A sweaty sheen, a flushed afterglow.
Lub dub, inside, a rhythm divine pulsates.
We lay embosomed, burning embers are dying slow.

You whisper nothings; a delicious thunder permeates,
Melting my mass into a molten trickle.
Lub dub, inside, a rhythm divine pulsates.

A fierce tempest swells, gaining little by little,
Eager to drown both of us in its fury,
Melting my mass into a molten trickle.

Leave your marks deep, on my skin ivory
Don’t resist, these cresting waves of pleasure
Eager to drown both of us in its fury.

A raw animal cry, from the lands of nether,
I hold on, as the tendrils of lust, wax.
Don’t resist, these cresting waves of pleasure.

Exhaling in harmony, the sands of time elapse.
Soft murmurs soothe like a gentle river flow.
I hold on, as the tendrils of lust, wax.
We lay embosomed, burning embers are dying slow.


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