Emotional Winter

Priti Dhopte posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S1: Poetry on 2021-08-30

Frosty weather never listens
Heart's trouble of indecision
Hidden in earth's silvery gown
Where find I my cold soul meltdown
Memories rolled down like a river

Sowed icy powder on the grass
The chilly air of ashen glass
Breathe rise in a flurry of grief
Unknown roads see no high relief
Memories rolled down without fondness

Luminous moon like a mother
Refuging stars undercover
Lonely breeze whispers in the ears
Just like the music of the spheres
Memories rolled down filled with mistrust

Shorter days followed lengthy nights
Parting from my beloved bites
Awake like nightjars in void scar
Counting togetherness so far
Memories rolled down as hard as nails


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