Empowered by Yellow

Preeti Choudhary posted under PenMuse-08 Poetry on 2019-06-07

Yellow is identified with developed expertise, when logical side of the brain is at ease, Vitalizing the inherent intelligence,  Dexterity and notion to appease. Its the spectrum’s lightest tinge with a lot of relevance,  the ethos of yellow has immense predominance, It depicts fluoresce and encourages aspiration,  Nurtures rhapsody and fervor, melded with elegance. Yellow is the color that gives inspiration, It can contribute to the intelligence augmentation,  Steers for original thoughts and delight. Tickles for new ideas and sparks a flair for innovation.  Yellow enhances the critical incite, Stimulates confidence and optimism with no fright, Yellow loves mental challenges, methodical and decisive, It denotes the clarity of thoughts, endows an insight. 

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