
Abinaya Sreenivas posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-22

My love, you were A distressed little butterfly With severed wings. And, I had fallen deeply In love with the broken Jade. You had carefully tucked Your tenebrous soul behind A pretty stained-glass window. And, I was an imbecile Trapped in a devious love. Perhaps, you were The daughter of Judas; For your betrayal was So intricate that It is now inextricably Woven into my flesh Like a prayer scripture Etched on a cold stone; The scars of your love Are Carved into my skin Like illusory tattoos. And my shattered soul lays Embedded in the most Deepest and darkest Of Ocean trenches. Yet, my demented heart Is my worst traitor ever, Cos it still needs her Like the Demon needs the dark. ____


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