
Sangeetha Kamath posted under PenMuse-34 Poetry on 2021-10-08

Auschwitz of appalling atrocities Barracks crammed with hundreds instead of ten Concentration camps catastrophic no end Devoid of rest, starved and shamed Exterminated with brutality extreme Flagellated for mistakes trivial Gas chambers bore witness to shrieks blood-curdling Holocaust, a worst mass genocide to date Incinerators burned day and night Jews, Roma, Sinti wiped out in droves Killings in gas vans mercilessly because, Łódź ghetto was getting overcrowded Macabre massacre of the blameless by Nazis so sinister, cruel, twisted Orchestrated by a deranged demon Poisonous gas was Zyklon-B lethal. Queued for roll-call, whiplashed if out of line! Ravaged by identity of race, religion Swastika crest; Schutzstaffel formidable--- Tortured, scarred, fractured, shattered them Unforgivable! Unforgettable?--- Never! Viciousness was abound, ruthless gore Waltz of death 'twas lunatic, manic Xenophobic crusaders full of frenzy Yellow stars marked Jews for humiliation Zephyr now pauses on this shrine solemn Glossary:  Łódź ghetto:In early February 1940, the Germans established a ghetto in the northeastern section of Łódź. About 160,000 Jews were forced into a small area. Schutzstaffel: In 1925, Hitler also established the Schutzstaffel, otherwise known as the SS. The SS were initially created as Hitler’s personal bodyguards. Members of the SS were chosen based on their ‘racial purity’, blind obedience and fanatical loyalty to Hitler. The SS saw themselves as the ultimate defenders of the ‘Aryan’ race and Nazi ideology. They terrorized and aimed to destroy any person or group that threatened this.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!