
Gowri Bhargav posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S2: Poetry on 2022-08-14

The golden orb retires upon eventide's call, The evening sky is adorned in myriad hues, Mauve, pink, auburn- colors blend in harmony, The fluid canvas presents a picturesque show. The cool mélange fades into shades somber, A veil of darkness silences the firmament.  The jocund stars peep out in rapid succession, In vivid constellations, with verve, they shimmer. The sublime moon nestled in the fulgent night sky In quietude, soaks the world 'neath with moonbeams. The silhouetted landscape breathes with tranquil sounds, And the pirouetting breeze lulls the world to sleep. Bidding adieu to the parallel world of dreams, The rising dawn summons another day, The creator paints the canvas with fresh brushstrokes… In the circle of life, with hopes anew we rise.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!