Family Reunion

Bhatnagar posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-18 on 2020-04-25

It was six a.m in the morning. Mrs Sharma dragged herself out of her bed. She freshened up quickly and went outside. She loved the early morning breeze. Sipping piping hot tea and listening to the morning Aarti on her radio was her routine. Since the day her son left her in the old age home, this is the only respite from her otherwise lonely life. It has been more than a month since Mrs Sharma was here. Her days and nights are either spent in fond memories of her family or listening to the radio.  It was almost time for breakfast. She took her radio and headed towards the mess. She could sense the stares and murmurs. She felt people often make fun of her for carrying the radio everywhere. “Hmmm…no-one can ever understand my temperament”, she sighed and left the place. Mrs Sharma was trying her best to adjust to her new surroundings but the emotional ties with her family would never let her do so. She remembered how she was unwanted in her own son’s family all of a sudden. “Hey! Isn’t it time for your favourite show”, the voice shook her from her reverie. It was Sarla, another victim of solitude. Sarla was easy to go and amicable kind of being who always wears a smile on her face.  “Yes, I was waiting for it to start”, replied Mrs Sharma. And the program started…. “Good morning everyone, This is your friend Rhea. “Here I am to deliver your messages to your loved ones”  Mrs Sharma was listening to this show for one month and she desperately wanted to deliver a message to her family but wasn’t able to gather courage. Sarla was looking at her predicament. For the first time, she intervened, “if you want to say something to your family, do it. Do not wait for the right time, as it will never come”. Mrs. Sharma was surprised how easily Sarla had sensed what’s going inside her mind. But this time she has also made up her mind.  She called on the number.  The voice said, “Good morning everyone. I am your friend Rhea. “Here I am to deliver your messages to your loved ones” Let’s see, who is the caller and what message he/she has to deliver. “Hello this is Mrs Sharma”, the voice said from the other side.  “I wanted to wish you a very happy birthday my dear granddaughter Rhea and wish you loads of success coming your way always. May you shine like the sun and bring pride to your family. Your Dadi loves you a lot” Finally, Mrs Sharma was able to make a call. The next thing she saw was her family in front of her with tears of remorse in everyone’s eyes. From the distance, Sarla was watching the blissful family reunion. She felt happy and contended and hoped that her wait for the family reunion will end soon.


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