
Rrafika Rangwala posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2020-03-07

Fear is a psychological emotion Its not an option, rather it's a choice Let's defeat fear by logical reasoning

Fear while travelling in aircraft, reaching on highest peak Could be overcome by answering yourself You have to die one day, Then why to die everyday Fear in expressing yourself  If you will express, you might get  contradictory reactions But if you won't  You will remain fool and dissatisfied forever Fear for asking rights When you are fulfilling your duties Then why not get rights Rights if not given, must be as asked If not ,it could be snatched  If you are in a mood to leave First express,Then leave  Do you have fear while being late at office ? Ignore it ,your boss can't hang you But stressing yourself for each and every task Might put your life In turmoil Fear from God Yes it's healthier and spiritual for you It will curb you from henious, moral crime

Fear the fear  Before it fears you ______________________________ ______________________________

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