Finding My Way Out

Sheetal Ashpalia posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-26 on 2021-01-24

It was time! Of that, I was sure. I started pushing my way through the narrow tunnel. It sure was a tight squeeze. I had been warned beforehand that it would not be easy getting out. But this was unbelievable! Not one to give up, I pushed myself harder. As I wound my way through the darkness, hours ticked by. I hesitated as I approached a bend. Pausing for a moment, I looked around. Should I? I asked myself. In my heart, I knew the answer. It had been difficult being alone and I had just about had enough. I felt the ground beneath tremble, heaving at its center. It shook, shoving me deeper into the walls of the tunnel. There was some sticky, slimy mess around me and as I pushed my way through it, I felt it cover me too. I didn’t care what it was! I just wanted out. Feeling claustrophobic, I started again. The tunnel was endless and time crawled. It was difficult to see where I was going in this blackness. Prodding and feeling, I trudged on. At times, I bumped into things. At others, gushes of water flooded the narrow tunnel, leaving me breathless.  Yet I refused to give up! I knew I was going to get out of here. Come what may! It has to be here somewhere! Feeling hungry, I dreamed about food though there were slim chances of finding anything. Exhausted, I lay collapsed on the very ground for a while. I doubted I had any strength left.  And then suddenly, there it was! A tiny sliver of light trickling in. Faint though, it gave me hope that I would make it out. With renewed energy, I continued. I felt the ground shiver and shake and with a heavy thrust, I was thrown forwards. Oh God, please don’t let me die! I prayed. Mustering my last vestiges of strength, I pushed. Hallelujah! The light is brighter, I brimmed with joy as I saw the tunnel widen at its mouth. Just one more push, I reminded myself. Arrghhh! *On the other side… Arrghhh...! “And it’s a healthy, beautiful baby boy, Ayesha!” the doctor smiled, placing the bonny baby in his mother’s arms. A cute, cherubic face screamed under the glaring lights, cocooned in a warm blue blanket. “Awww, sweetheart, here you are. In your Mama’s arms! I have been waiting for this moment for so long” an exhausted Ayesha crooned into the baby’s ears as her husband stood nearby, looking on indulgently. “And that too after 21 hours of grueling labour pains! Can you believe that? But he is such a trooper. And the end result makes everything worth it, doesn’t it Ayesha?” the doctor added as Ayesha agreed beaming. 21 hours! I’m a Rockstar. I made it out on my own, I smiled triumphantly at my own achievement as I was welcomed with open arms by my angel, my Mama into this new world.


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