
Munira Dalal posted under PenMuse-16 Poetry on 2020-02-18

Devious is the art of flattery  Flattery is of praising and pleasing Flatterer has over words mastery Like a chef, adds a lot of seasoning Fools get fooled beyond any reasoning They fall head over heels to strategy Flatterer's tongue is butter secreting Most words used are sweeter than jaggery A crow is called a swan in flattery To achieve ends it is used as a pawn You can't see the game; it's a tragedy Flatterer is a sly fox; let it dawn Beware of flatterers; warning bells ring Don’t take any ride on flattery wing(s) __________ __________ Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!