Flight of the Starlings

Sunita Sahu posted under PenMuse-43 Poetry on 2022-07-06

One fine evening, off I wandered towards the woods deep, lured by aesthetic wonders Laying on the mossy carpet, I inhaled the fragrance wild of berries ripe strewn over the ground Ah! My heart skipped a beat seeing a swooping mass of starlings twirling in the sky so blue Shapes gorgeous they formed made me wonder if ‘twas a swan or Olaf winking above Enamored by these winged beauties smiled the sun, as the leaves swirled, mountains swooned, brooks burbled in glee Dousing me in their euphony, they left on a whim, whilst I kept pondering if 'twas just a dream   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!