Fortuitous Escape

The blue of the sky boggled me, The green of the grass eluded me. I wanted to do many more things, But I did not have the means.  I was always scowling, For I felt all were troubling. I was always stressed, My life was a total mess.  I was filled with hatred, Until my peace was shattered. I did not know what I was missing, Till I was caught in a hijacking.  I cried myself hoarse, Till I gave vent to my grouse. I realized my days were numbered, Till my captors surrendered. Oh! The grass is such a green, The sky such an azure blue. The birds twittered gaily, And the bees hummed merrily. I treated all with sympathy, Such was my empathy.  Ah! If not for my forced imprisonment, I would still be in my self- made one! Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!