From the Heart

Kirti V posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S1: Poetry on 2021-08-30

They are like angels so divine
Whom I proudly claim, they are mine
They laughed and played with me all day,
And in every sorrow and gay.
I love you, dear teachers.

About me, you never had doubt,
With care you guided me throughout
Regardless I flew far from you,
You accompanied me, I knew.
You're adored, dear teachers.

On my door, I heard failures knock
Oh! Then your words stood like a rock.
You motivated me a lot
And took me to the topmost spot.
I thank you, dear teachers.

Now that I have travelled so far,
Your absence is indeed a scar.
Our moments, I always cherish,
Meeting you again, oh! I wish.
I miss you, dear teachers.


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