
Aradhna Malhotra posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-14 on 2019-11-23

A sharp, stinging pain wrestled Jia out of sleep. Cold and damp, she felt a strange dankness around her abdomen. 

“What…? Stress incontinence? No way, I am just 4 months pregnant” reasoned Jia.

“Anand, what is this wetness?” cried out Jia.

 Grappling around the bed, Anand sprung and put the lights on.

Jia aghast watched in horror. Her night pants drenched red by the mindlessly flowing life between her legs. Jia howled helplessly, as her dreams were shattered once again.

Jia had lost three babies already. This one was special. A blessing of Vaishno Devi, this one had to live.


“This is the fourth miscarriage and I cannot let you risk another one.” Gynaecologist’s stern warning blew out the weak, flickering flame of hope. Jia stared, at the baby’s picture hung on the clinic wall. Strangled by the suffocating grasp of self-pity and remorse, Jia ran out of the clinic, sobbing.

“Come on Jia, it is not the end of the world. You are my strength and I am yours. Why, do we need a third one to make us happy?” consoled Anand.

“Third one? Is our baby a third one?” scowled Jia. 

“You cannot ignore it, Anand, you know what all I face because of this abyss in our life. Your mom, uncles, aunts pass snide comments and casually hint at my problem. No one ever, raises fingers at you.” cried Jia in frustration.

 “What use was the diet plan? How did the bed rest help?” sulked Jia. 

Determined to speed drive on the road to self-destruction, she sat in front of the TV mindlessly changing channels and gorging whatever junk she could lay her hands on. Depression soaked her soul, drowning her spirit. 

Anand knew, that he had to pull Jia out of the dark, endless tunnel, she had thrown herself in. He had to get the spark back in her eyes and something deep inside told him that it could be by nothing else, but a baby.

The gynaecologist called the couple back. 

Jia’s eyes gleamed with hope and her desolate, cold heart warmed by doctor’s proposal. 

“Really doctor! Can we really become parents of our own baby?” squealed Jia in disbelief. 

“Yes by altruistic surrogacy. We will rent a safe womb for your baby in a surrogate mother’s body” explained the doctor.

Soon hope impregnated and propagated fast, to beget a new life.

One year later …..

Jia’s dream came alive!

Jia walked out of the hospital with her angel nestled in her arms. Filled with gratitude, she thanked God for colouring her life again.

“Grace! Yes, Grace! That is her name,” chirped Jia, embracing God’s grace snug in her hands. 
Vaishno Devi: Hindu temple in Kashmir, known for wish fulfilment.
