Guiding Star

Moumita Dutta posted under Guest Posts PenMuse-38 Poetry on 2022-02-20

When I first took my baby steps It was you who clapped the hardest Somehow, I can still visualize Those wrinkles, that like waves jovial  Played on your face, so charming. ‘twas you who taught me to read My first teacher and guide I still remember those moments When you held my hand soft,  And taught me to draw a line first. You’ve been the cocoon sturdy That protected me from every harm With love and care, you nurtured me Taught me values fundamental, and Moulded me into a human fine.  Today, whoever I am It’s all ‘cause I carry your charm Dear Grandma! My bestie gorgeous Hope you’re happy, in Gods’ haven cozy Here, I cherish our bond, that’s deep and strong.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!