Hang On

Moumita Dutta posted under PenMuse-55 Poetry on 2023-09-20

Hang on, for the best days are yet to come For, life reveals its secrets one by one So hold on, and don't succumb to the glum Life isn't a bed of roses, without thorns You'll be showered with praises, bruised by scorns Do not step back, but try to overcome Stand tall and show them that you're not yet done Hang on, for the best days are yet to come Just speak your heart out, let them hear your say Whate'er the weather is, try to make hay Life's hurdles are not always troublesome They just arrive, to add spice and some fun So hold on, and don't succumb to the glum The challenges will sculpt your character Your hidden talents, will then uncover Be brave enough to clean off every scrum Fight through the dark times, like the mighty sun Hang on, for the best days are yet to come Let the lessons you learn, guide you to light You gotta spread your wings, and just take flight Life's riddles are quite like a complex sum Confusing they might seem, but you mustn't shun So hold on, and don't succumb to the glum Embrace yourself, and be your own best chum Nurture your strengths, for you are less than none Hang on, for the best days are yet to come So hold on, and don't succumb to the glum.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!