Heart’s Desire

Moumita Dutta posted under Guest Posts PenMuse-51 Poetry on 2023-04-12

Let's travel to a place quaint and blissful  Where the breeze carries songs melodious  A terrain that is pristine and cheerful;  It is not for us to be fearful  Just detach from beliefs, erroneous  Let's travel to a place quaint and blissful;  Do not hold back, feeling wistful Venture forth to the land harmonious  A terrain that is pristine and cheerful;  To reach our destiny, we got to be willful With a heart that is ambitious  Let's travel to a place quaint and blissful;   Ponder over the idea, thoughtful And visualize the pastures, glorious A terrain that is pristine and cheerful;  To enjoy some moments peaceful And feed the mind that is ever curious Let's travel to a place quaint and blissful; A terrain that is pristine and cheerful.      Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!