Home Alone

Suhasini Vijay posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-19 on 2020-05-25

It’s a sunny Saturday morning and we all had a long and lazy breakfast. Post that, mom and dad had to step out to get our weekly groceries and vegetables. Normally, all three of us would go out for the shopping and then would have our weekend lunch in one of those fancy restaurants. But due to the lockdown kids and old people cannot step out, so my parents have asked me to stay at home and they both can finish the shopping. Though initially, I was sad for not able to go out with them, staying alone in the house also sounded like a big adventure for me, as I haven’t done this to date. So, I had decided to watch some TV and watching the movies without popcorn is no fun, isn’t it? So, I went into the kitchen, Click, click – this tube light always has some loose connection problem. After multiple clicks and clacks, finally, the light came on. Dhad, dhad - I had to open closet doors to search for the popcorn packet and could finally find it in the third closet only. I opened the cupboard, where all the microwave vessels are kept. Bang, tang, bang – the microwave pans fall to the ground, and aah, I hurt my feet too in this process.  Ting, tang, ting, finally, I could find the right sized bowl to pour the popcorn. Click and ding as I opened the switched on the microwave and opened the door. I placed the bowl inside the oven and dang closed the door with so much force. Had my mom been there, she would have screamed: “yehh, how many times I should tell you not to use your full force on the Microwave?” Top, pat, top, the sounds started coming from the microwave as the popcorn is getting popped. And, I like counting them. This time around only fifty top, pat, top, pat came before the beep, beep started from the microwave, indicating that the time for popping got over. I opened the microwave, took out the bowl, and dang closed it again, with a big silent smile written on my face as there is no one to stop me from using my force while closing the doors. Went back to the couch, I sat with a big thud and splash…crunch, crunch, crunchy it’s interesting to see Mister Bean, falling from the steps. Ha, ha, ho… the popcorn got stuck in my throat and I need some water. So, went to the refrigerator, to pick up a cool water bottle. Gulp, gulp – drinking cold water is always so nice and refreshing.   In the meantime, I heard the kiin, kiinn sounds coming from our car, while it’s taking the turn into our housing complex. So, I rushed out to the car park, to meet my parents. Our car came into the car park and screech…it halted as my dad stopped the car. So here comes an end to my “Home Alone” adventure.


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