Homeward Bound

Kajal Kapur posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-04 on 2018-12-27

“It’s there” Jake cried with joy. “It’s back in the listing.” Jeni and her boyfriend handed over the money collected to Jake so he could proceed, “Let’s do it,” Jeni affirmed. Her boyfriend nodded.


“Are you sure that’s what you wanna do?” Laura quietly asked her husband Wesley. “There’s nothing more precious than family,” Wesley avoided eye contact with Laura who was lying on the hospital bed for the last 3 months. “But Christine IS family,” a solitary tear found its way out of Laura’s left eye. “I think its best for us to let her go.” Wesley got up from her bedside and out of the door. He didn't want his wife to see the pain in his eyes. Letting go of his sweetheart for the past 7 years broke his heart in two. He paused at the reception where he was handed Laura's freshly listed file with additional bills for her medication. “She needs another chemo in three weeks, Mr. Ryan,” the doctor said. “I will manage,” Wesley asserted wiping his tears.


“Stop being dramatic,” Jeni joked with Jake as soon as he got off the phone with the dealer. “Not being dramatic. That’s how it should be. I want to see the surprise in his eyes.” Jake sighed. “I can’t believe, after 17 years, our childhood is going to be back.” “Neither do I. Growing up with Christine was the only normal I knew.” Jeni joined in Jake’s nostalgia.


“Return home soon,” Laura called out as Wesley moved out of the door. “Anything special,” Wesley turned around to inquire. “Maybe… maybe not!” Laura winked playfully. Wesley blushed just as he would since high school when he first fell in love with his (now) wife. Wesley moved out of the house on his regular business, unaware of what was in store for him in the evening.


“Dad, close your eyes…lemme blindfold you,” Jeni reached out and blindfolded Wesley with her scarf. “What is this? A kidnap?” Wesly joked, trying to discern what was going on that he was intercepted on the curve leading back home and taken along like a fugitive. “Dad, come with us,” Jake continued, “There’s a surprise for you in the garage.” “Garage? My car is in the garage,” Wesley stated confused. “No, I took it out on the kerb,” Jake confirmed. He led him to the entrance of the garage and opened the gate. “Why’d you do that?” Wesley complained. “Now what mischief are you up to?” “Take the scarf off,” he said taking the blindfold off. Jeni and Laura joined them too. A whole lifetime flashed in front of his eyes. Wesley found it hard to breathe as his eyes welled up. He turned around towards his family who stood behind him smiling. “It’s Christine. She’s home!” the words finally found a way as he ran over to hug the 1993 White Mustang he had loved and lost, ultimately to be brought back home by his children.


Disclaimer: This story is based on a real-life incident. Some of the finer details may have been altered for creative effect. If you are interested to know the real story, find it here.
