"I Love You" saved his life

Sugyanee Pujary posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-24 on 2020-11-17

Shiva is standing on the bridge, lost in the memories from past. Three months back, he was standing on the same place on the pedestrian path of the bridge, holding the guardrails and bending down to dive into the water below. His life was upside down.  He was very depressed and despondent because he had lost his job and, his girlfriend broke up with him too. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic he was both physically and emotionally isolated and lonely. In that afternoon, on the deserted bridge, he stood on the edge, counting his last few breaths with closed eyes, all set to jump down. Then suddenly a car drove past him and a girl screamed out of the window, “hey hero, I love you...Can you hear me, I love you. Meet me at the end of the bridge.” Those loud screams of "I love you" knocked him out of his deathly daze. He turned and saw a pretty face peeping out of the car window. She waved at him with a yellow scarf in her hand, her wind-swept black curly hair covered her face. Shiva tried to catch a glimpse of her, but lost balance and fell from the bridge with another loud scream, “save me, I don't want to die." He hit the water with a mighty splash, and within a few minutes, another huge splashing sounds of water reverberated in the air around.  After sometime, when Shiva woke up, he was lying on the stairs of the river bank. He woke up and saw the same pretty face, beautiful black curly hair waving in air and caressing his face. Her mouth pressed against his while she held his nose tightly and blew air (air of life) into his lungs. He wanted to cough, but was too mesmerised to move. Finally he couldn't control and coughed stopping the girl in her attempts of resuscitation. She heaved a sigh of relief, and said, 'oh god!! You are alive." 'Yes very much alive and awake like never before", Shiva declared with a spark in his eyes and gleaming smile.  Shiva asked curiously, “have we met before?" “Nooo”, the girl replied. But you said "I love you"!!! The girl laughed and said, “Duffer, I had to say that to divert your attention. When I saw you, you were about to jump, and in no way I could save you. By the time I would pull over and rush to you, you would have jumped already. So I thought of this plan. But anyway you fell. So I failed.” “Nevertheless you saved me. I owe my life to you,” said Shiva. Then he asked her name. The girl smiled, and said, “This time I saved you, next time I may not. So take care.” Saying this, she parted ways. Today standing on the same spot, Shiva thought that, sometimes life throws us upside down only to make things more upright and clear to us.


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