I Need Your Help

Amrita Mallik posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-23 on 2020-10-14

I’m standing at crossroads. I’m confused about whether I should personally go and wake her up or wait for her to arise on her own? Can you please help me out? Let me explain my discomfiture! **** I still remember that day when her relative has had introduced me to her. I haven’t met such a wobbly personality in my life. She has been scared to face me. Her nervousness has been shocking! I could well-understand she has lost her self-respect and confidence in her own eyes. I’ve felt extremely sorry for her! Thank God our paths have crossed. I’ve promised myself to never leave her side. Till today I’m keeping it. Through thick and thin I’ve always been her pillar of strength. In our daily strides, she has opened her heart to me. The more I have seen her without the veil the more I have admired her. I could easily discern she has never been listened to. The loneliness has taken an upper hand. Out of regret and shame, thanks to the innumerable taunts she has received daily, she has boxed herself up. Since I’ve started to pay her attention, she has poured herself out without the fear of harsh criticism. It’s not that we haven’t gone through hard times. However, I’ve always preferred to remain silent. I’ve seen her from close quarters. I could discern how she has fallen prey to incessant comparisons and ridicules. She has herself believed those colourful lies often. She has refused my company many times yet I’ve managed to regain her trust. It has taken years but she has successfully come out of the chrysalis stage. Today, seeing her confidence smiling through her lips and sparkling through her eyes, my rapture knows no bounds. **** Everything has been superfine until lockdown has begun. The sudden halt has indeed turned the world upside down. Even after it is officially over people can’t throng the roads like before. I’ve heard that this lockdown is also taking a heavy toll on mental health. Ok, so here lies my problem! The fact that going out is now not in our hands is tearing her to pieces. Too many restrictions have become the new normal. I think she has again fallen into that filthy cesspool of negativity! Unlike earlier times this time, I’m repeatedly failing to uplift her. Moreover, you tell me, don’t I feel bad that I’ve to push her again and again? Don’t you think sometimes she should make the effort? Her trust-issues have overpowered her this time. Hence, I am unable to abet her agitations. Can you do me a favour? Please talk to her, convince her to at least come to me once. Rest I can handle! I don’t want to visit her personally, because I don’t want to increase her troubles. Now, if no other door opens, I will do this! However, you see, walking shoes can’t walk or run on their own!


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