Ice Cream

Babita Kejriwal posted under PenMuse-14 Poetry on 2019-12-17

He rolls the choc-o-mint ice cream In his entire mouth deliciously- Slurp! The taste of ambrosia. There is pure clear ecstasy on the Eight-year old’s face as the cold particles Within him do a quick dance. The summer heat dissipates And a chocolaty burst of goodness Explodes wildly within him. Ice cream-a child’s delight And the very best friend Which could bring him out of The gravest melancholy. He is enamored by it completely, Music wafts into his heart and soul And sends him into a rapture Of giggling to a crescendo. Now he takes another bite With closed eyes, he licks it till His tongue and mouth are Almost frozen with joy. He feels the coolness of December and In that mouthwatering creamy comfort, He finds a taste of angelic heaven.  __ __