If it wasn't for the looming Pandemic…

Ratnaprabha Raykar posted under PenMuse-31 Poetry on 2021-06-11

If it wasn't for the looming Pandemic... Playgrounds be.... brimming with joyous children Capering around, dancing with frolic Voices rising to reach the skies golden Roads would be buzzing with people hustling If it wasn't for the looming Pandemic…. Malls and  Metros be thronged by people browsing Finishing purchases with a quick pick Kitchens of many...bare of food and drink Many sitting at home .. twiddling their thumbs If it wasn't for the looming Pandemic…. worry, misery wrinkling their temples Clamour for bed, Oxygen hoists..upsurge Air filled with ambulance sirens..tragic Cops shunting us into our homes... emerge If it wasn't for the Pandemic…   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!