
Lakshmi Ajoy posted under Book Review on 2023-02-12

I don't know what got Divya and Rajani together! Whatever it was, Impetus was truly a heart-warming book filled with poems that truly spoke at the rhymes within each of us. They came together to present to the world a collaborated version of their souls poured in together and crafted this fine a book of poems. Their dream matured and we got Impetus. A collection of 50 poems, each interspersed with a mindset of their own, is set on various moods and themes. Divya and Rajani took turns to share their thoughts with the world. As I turned the leaves and took a sniff, the words came alive and off I went on a journey, memorable.  Each poem starts with a brief introduction on the topic thus making way for the verses. The poems are inspiring, poignant and some will tug at your heartstrings.  If ‘Doorbell’ spoke of heartbreaks and endurance, ‘Golden Moment,’ filled me with a sense of serenity. With finely chosen words, the poets described the essence of every single topic in a very impressive and effective manner. Through these poems, one will understand their journey and how Impetus fructified. They poured their hearts out and shared stories that many will connect to, once they read.  People walk into our lives and leave their ‘Footprints.’ And sometimes, we leave ours on the sands that get ‘devoured by the sea.’ The thoughts and emotions of these two meaningful poems from this section that spoke of life’s stories reached out to me. Such beautiful thoughts! Everyone has the ‘Burning Desire’ to attain something. Divya chose her words well to create this wonderful poem. ‘Cruising along the rigmarole of life’s mundane chores, compelled to eke out with whatever befell.’- These opening lines from the poem ‘Incessant’ were blunt, and the words flowed effortlessly. ‘Mushroom’ is a very interesting, and inspiring take; detailed and will linger in the readers’ minds. In ‘Magic Potion’ Rajani Nair shared her love for tea which the tea-lovers will surely savour. The language and style were kept simple throughout. I particularly liked the idea that the poets looped in almost every emotion, situation, and element related to life. ‘ ‘Excursion’ by Rajani Nair is one of my favourites from this book. One needs to delve deep to appreciate the thoughts and gist of this poem. The line of thoughts of both poets synchronized to form beautiful verses. The brief description of topics before the verses were spread added an extra charm to the reading. Also, thus, it was easy to connect as a reader. The poems shared some intense, deep meanings in lines like- ‘Life is a journey and has many journeys within.’ How at times, our very own become unknown over time.  Poems like ‘Passion’ and ‘Cherished Endeavour’ are written on positive notes. Both are inspiring and carry a nice message. Read the book to discover and connect to the sentiment of the poets that are no different from ours. There are some thought-provoking verses will surely make the readers ponder and take a deeper plunge into exploring life and it's experiences. The last part, ‘Road to Success’ closed with two amazing poems. One was dedicated to a friend whom the poet lost, and the other was about the different interpretations of success and the poet’s headstrong thoughts that were inspiring and sent a wonderful message for us to contemplate our thoughts and actions.   The poems were poignant and profound. Both poets portrayed their skill and creatively shared thought-provoking verses. Features like the descriptive language, poems placement,  thought presentation, cover design and forewords were handled well.  If you are a poetry lover and enjoy reading inspiring, thought-provoking poems and learn a few new words, then this book is a must-read. Do grab a copy, read, soak yourself in the beauty of words, and don’t forget to leave a review to cheer the amazing poets who made an immense effort to gift us this book of poems.  Wishing Divya Venkateswaran and Rajani Nair all the very best in their future endeavours and hoping that they will be able to deliver many more such precious treasures to be preserved and displayed to the world waiting to quench their poetic thirst! ~*~ Grab your copy here: