In Cold Blood

Manoshi Bose posted under PenMuse-37 Poetry on 2022-01-17

So you wronged me so, you tore me apart Scathing, your tongue lashed on untamed Scarring so deep my tender heart Sorry I did what I did, can't be blamed One plus one plus one they'd piled Over deep old wounds that festered on Ought I have fought back? I was just a child! Oh! I rage on now even though you're gone No! No! No! I'd clenched and winced Never you saw the havoc you wrecked Nincompoop I was, you had me convinced Now, I'm cold as you're cold in your coffin bedecked. Outwardly no mark save twin eyes unsmiling Obsessing and plotting such vengeful ways Only if you'd loved me dad.. I'd be your darling... Older you, older me, better men, better days!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!