In the Dark of the Night

Birbhanu Singh posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S2: Poetry on 2022-08-21

In the dark of the night, I sigh in relief when you loom large like a full moon in mischief. I drench and wallow in your sparkling rain of light when the summer night turns into a frightful plight; And then I snuggle into your snow-white sheaf. The weather freezes and turns cold in grief; The horror makes me reel back in disbelief. Still, you charm me like a zillion stars in delight, In the dark of the night. The fiery storm blows in mad mischief; Tears you away from me, O ! my coral reef. I gaze at the sky and mourn all along tonight when I find no trace of yours upright. O! the memories - the only succor in grief, In the dark of the night.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!