Interminable Law

Indrani Chatterjee posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-20

Ageless command of sun, by turn to rise and set,  Upright time rushes to mutate senile with new,  Only mortal minds fail to allay their unrest.  Array of seasonal tastes determine to brew,  For nature is bound by solar ordain.  Upright time rushes to mutate senile with new.  By cyclic norms, water fumes to fount as rain And shields the devoid souls of soil and living.  For nature is bound by solar ordain.  Pure breeze gushes to save breath from suffocating,  Appeasing terra with her liberal intents And shields the devoid souls of soil and living.  Nature's grant ne'er flinches to bathe her habitants,  Smearing life with elements of survival,  Appeasing terra with her liberal intents.  The laws of lifelines are ever responsible To clinch existence and its prospects,  Smearing life with elements of survival.  Only mortal minds fail to allay their unrest.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!