Is Your Heart Big Enough

Shweta Mathur Lall posted under Daddy Day Lessons on 2020-06-20

It seemed as if heaven had opened. Monsoon clouds had seared its way through to the city of nawaabs, Lucknow. Such a downpour was usually accompanied with ' rainy day’ holiday at Loreto Convent but not today as it was the first day of senior school and grade six is awfully important. Eleven-year-old Shweta, with her siblings in the monsoon of 1989 zipped past the empty rain laden roads towards her school, nestled in the backseat of a new Fiat Padmini with her dad behind the wheel. Water splashed all around forming tiny rivulets on the windowpanes. As the car came to a halt at the signal post lined along with Ambassadors and other Fiats, her father remarked pointing at two rain drenched girls standing by the road “ Shweta are they your schoolmates? We should help them and ask them to come with us in our car." “In our car! “ Shweta felt appalled “no dad, it would spoil my proud moment of getting off my new car all by myself and besides there’s no place to accommodate them” Her father glared at her, reflecting the lament that he failed to bring up his daughter well, he said in a meaningful tone “ It doesn’t matter how big one’s houses or cars are. The only thing that matters is, that is your heart big and gracious enough to give and accommodate others and if not, then Shweta you are the poorest girl in the world “ He drove towards those rain-soaked girls and dropped them all to school. Though it was the first day of senior school, and Loreto had taught its students well, but Shweta never forgot the lesson imparted by her father. It shall always be etched in her mind. P.S.: I shall always love you dad and follow your path, wherever you are❤️


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