It is Important

Amisha Shah posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-29 on 2021-04-22

‘Today, is the first special day,’ said Kiney to Joey, glued to her belly. He was just not ready to leave her. With lot of cry and hue, Kiney bid her cutie pie good-bye, at the crètch.  Time ran so fast, thought Kiney, settling near the window seat in the bus. It seemed just like yesterday when her little one was cooeing on her lap and was hopping around everywhere.  Kiney stepped into the office for the first time after the maternity leave. She felt so elated being back into her own private space. Her confidence boomed; her fingers moved with ease on the laptop.  After a successful day, she began her journey, home ward. Would he have eaten food? Would he have played properly? Or slept properly? All her nightmares came true, when the teacher informed her that he cried his eyes out. He had hardly eaten a morsel. All her happiness, drowned in a second. Guilt overtook her and she ran home with her little one safely in her pouch.  When asked, Joey cried that he didn’t want to go. He enjoyed being in her safe pouch. Since it was just day one, Kiney coolly explained that she needed to go to work, and therefore he needed to go to the daycare daily.  But, day 2 & 3 continued in the same manner. Little play, little food and loads of crying. He would always return home wailing and complaining. Both the teacher and she thought, it would be best to be patient.  Finally, when there was no improvement in his behavior even after 15 days, Kiney took Joey in her arms and caressed him. She asked him patiently, ‘What’s the matter dear? Why you cry all the time at the cretch?  Joey replied, ‘I want to be with you, mom always. Papa is there to earn money. Why you too have to go?’  She coolly explained him, ‘I do not go to office for the sake of  money. Yes, that is a part of the big picture. But the more important aspect is, that it makes me feel content and happy. When I give a presentation, I feel I am in control of myself, and my life. When I come back home, I come with more jist for you. I devote time to you, with more love and affection. I do not want to be the mom, who would be physically involved, but mentally suffering because she doesn’t have a life beyond you.’ Joey was all ears, and happily listening as his mom poured her heart out. “I am sorry Mummy; I never knew that just going to office would make you so happy. I will go to cretch daily and will never give you a chance to complain.’ And they both cuddled each other.  Moral: Mothers are also humans with dreams and ambitions.  Author’s note: This is not as simple as shown in story. The struggles of choice go on continuously in the life of every women. I want to convey to all the children of working mothers that the battle, between guilt and happiness of working mothers is never going to end. To strike a balance is the key to healthy relationship between mother and child. 


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