It Suddenly Dawned

Ramya Viswanathan posted under Flash Fiction Quintale-22 on 2020-09-08

Mel lived with her mom far from the city. They went unnoticed as their house was the smallest among the entire street comprising of more than seventy families. Her mom’s salary as  chef in the nearby restaurant was just enough for their daily needs. Even at school she did not have friends since the others looked down at her financially, but instead of worrying she was preparing for the future. Entering ninth grade her concentration was set only on studies as instructed by her mom. “See Mel, earning money isn’t important as it may disappear any time in life. Remember your education is what that defines you. Keep that in mind and reach your goal dear.” These words kept ringing in her mind whenever she felt low. A beautiful park was located on the way she walked to school. Every day she spent few minutes looking over different kinds of people walking and kids playing around. These moments entered her best memories in life.  For a few days she then noticed “HER” lying at the end of the park which was not frequented by others. “SHE” looked fragile and tender. Something about “HER” seemed disturbing. She couldn’t help but eventually noticed “HER” regularly. As library was her part time partner Mel did remember reading about “HER”.  It was evident that all “SHE” needed was care. For a moment Mel thought to herself what would happen if she took ”HER”  home. By then mom’s voice was spreading  in her mind. “Mel what is wrong with you?  Knowing the way, we lead our life where do you think there is time to take of this thing. People around us would be mocking. Somebody had thrown it away and without reasoning you have bought it all the way home.” Coming back to the real-world Mel stood staring at “HER” for few minutes. There was some connection to each other that seemed invisible. After rehearsing few dialogues in mind Mel was prepared to take “HER” home. She slowly approached and gently took “HER”. With happiness spreading all over she hugged “HER” closely. Mel knew mom was at home. She laid “HER” near their door and entered inside. After an hour of discussion Mel won over mom. She took water sprayer with few gardening tools and went near “HER”.  “Don’t worry my dear, am here to support. Now I will name you as . . . ’”. Unbelievably, Mel was engaging in a conversation. With the wind gushing over, it miraculously seemed that the slender stems nodded in turn.  Mel carefully placed the “CURTAIN CREEPER” onto the walls making sure “SHE” felt comfortable. After a few days people began noticing their house. Yes, it looked like  green waterfalls flowing over making it appear like an enchanted fantasy spot.  During one of the pruning sessions,  mom noticed Mel speaking about her day with the climber plants excitedly. Wiping the tiny droplets off her face mom felt contented to see Mel with her newfound friend. ____________________________


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